No Hues of Blues at Orange Theory

Disclaimer: Mentioning the relationship between exercise and spiritual life is based on personal opinion/belief.

The body is definitely something and it changes overtime, good or bad, everything will turn to futility eventually.

"20 For the creation was subjected to futility...." Romans 8:20

However, there is no excuse to not be active in the land and not be able to fully enjoy the blessed life the Lord has given us. This is why incorporating exercise again (more than the physical appearance), exercising aids in productivity and aids in becoming more healthy. 

There are a lot of things to be done in a day and weight is the last thing you really should worry about. However, what if it is getting in the way?

Physical pain, not being able to fit in clothes, shoes, breakouts, extra holes for belts and watches, sweaty palms and the list goes on... Personally, there are so many disadvantages that I am encountering right now and it is quite a dilemma to have these physical change that affects the daily cycle of life. In a matter of 4 months I gained 30 lbs because of various reasons, mostly because stress and bad eating habits. I found out that I am weak adapting to new things or new environment and constant socializing can definitely make me be out of shape or out of whack. So, lesson learned, no more stressing out.  

But despite the circumstances, by the end of the day we still need to be thankful because He is constantly reminding us (through love, family and friends) to wake up, do something, in this case be back in shape (esp. because I am a better me when in good shape). I'm finally at the "hey, do something" phase and believe me it is not easy at first. So yeah 'nuff said... Moving on with the review....

March 1, 2014, I was able to tryout Orange Theory where my cousin works out. Initially, you fill out a form for record purposes. The place was definitely inviting because of the orange  setup. Everything was go, go, go there and I was like in a boot camp. The trainer for that day was Mia and she was really nice and pretty. There were no "hey, look at my biceps" or "hey check my booty" kind of of people there. Everything was straight to the point "work", sweating and doing all that fat burning moves. Their approach was somewhat similar with Shaun T's insanity workout, however, they have a heart rate monitor which is displayed on the screen for everyone to see. Since she is our guide to everything, this helps us, the trainees, on what to do and vise versa, this helps the trainer gauge when to do the next exercise or what's the next step.

That monitor is really helpful and challenging, you just want your heart rate to reach the top and beat everybody else. So, there's a touch of competitiveness in between the workout. It was quite an experience, tough but had a blast. Also saw a young pregnant gal who was doing the whole routine and was surprised with her stamina. Young and old, everyone was sweating out. My cous cous said that the approach per trainer is different, as for Mia, she was fun and upbeat with her music and style.

By the end of the session, they will send you a report on how you did which is cool. This part is where you get hooked because you are seeing results. I must admit, this well-planned marketing strategy is working. The client will want to come back for more.

There were 4 major equipment used. The treadmill, the rower, TRX and the weights. We used them all alternatively and non-stop, of course you still have the option to stop if tired, otherwise, you don't have a choice but to camouflage yourself with the rest, but yeah overall had a great time doing it. The trainer will guide you all the way. So I'm rating it 5 out 5. Recommendable for people who wants try something new. Find a friend or a family member who is enrolled in Orange Theory (like my generous cousin Karen) to experience and gauge if it's something that you can enjoy doing.

Orange you glad you know Orange Theory?

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